When is The Best Season and Free Admission at Kenroku-en Garden in Kanazawa-city in Japan ?

Each four seasons shows you a different beauty at Kenroku-en in Kanazawa city. There are seasonal event like illumination concert at night time or free admission at day time for a few days in each season though Did you know there is ALWAYS FREE HOUR at Kenroku-en garden ?
Hope this article save you an admission fee and also makes you to inspire a local and efficient way of enjoy travel in Kanazawa.
Four seasons of Kenroku-en

glowing lanterns with sunset at Ishikawa gate of the Kanazawa castle from Kenroku-en
Every March, Japan Meteorological Agency announces the forecast of Sakura blooming. So I can’t tell you exactly when you can see the best week to see Sakura in Japan until their announcement. However you might better to book accommodation about a half year in advance sometime in April from the beginning to the third in Kanazawa.
They have free admission days for about a week during Sakura blooming after the Japan Meteorological Agency’s announcement.
♦Free illumination event of Kenroku-en in 2017 ♦
【DATE】 the 17th March 〜19th March 2017
【HOUR 】 18:00〜21:30
Between the end of June and August is Summer time in Kanzawa. There are lots to do and see in Ishikawa Prefecture in Summer however it is pretty humid and hot weather.

the beginning celemony of Hyakumangoku- matsuri
The biggest festival “Hyakumangoku-matsuri” is hold at the first weekend of June in Kanzawa-city. It is the most local and traditional festival in Kanazawa. You will see “samurai parade ” at the festival and also enjoy Free admission at Kenrokuen during day time of the festival.

Autumn illuminated Kenrokuen
Autumn is one of the most best season of the year for me as it is not too cold and too hot either, also it is the most delicious harvest season a year. I recommend you to bring a light jacket or long sleeve for cloth as it is chilly at the early morning and evening in the autumn leaves season from the end of October to November.
♦Free illumination event of Kenroku-en in 2016 ♦
【DATE】 the 18th November 〜 the 10th Dec. 2016
【HOUR】17:30〜21:00 ( last entry till 20:45 )
《Free Concert event 》
【DATE】 the 19th, 26th. November and the 3rd December 2016
①19:15〜 ②20:00〜 ( about 15 minutes each session )
【LOCATION】 Uchihashi-tei, Kenroku-en

Winter Kenroku-en
Kenroku-en is specially known as ” Snowy scenic” as it is recognized the most beautiful time to see. In recent years, Snow start to fall in December and some years until March. I would recommend you to coming Kanazawa between the mid of Jan and Feb if you want to see snowy Kenroku-en like the picture.
For the weather, the coldest month are January and February. The average temperature is 5.3 ℃/ – 14.8 °F and January and February would be 3.8℃/ -15.6°F. these months are colder than December and March. Especially, the humidity in Ishikawa prefecture is a bit higher percentage than the other region in Japan. In kanazawa, average humidity of Winter is 72 % so you feel about 10 ℃/ 50°F more colder than real. So you need a thick/warm clothes and jacket and good pair of boots preferably waterproof to travel in Winter Kanazawa.
♦Free Admission during Day time in 2016 ♦
① Public holiday/Thu. 3rd. November. 2016 / 8:00 -17:00
② Sat. 31st. December. 2016 – 3rd. January.2017/ 8:00- 17:00
♦Free illumination event of Kenroku-en in 2016 ♦
① Fri. 18th November ~ Sat. 10th. December. 2016 / 17:30 -21:00
② Fri. 27th January. 2017 〜 Sat. 4th. Feb. 2017 / 17:30 -21:00
③ Fri.17th. March.2017〜 Sun.19th.March.2017/ 18:30- 21:00
Is Everyday Free admission at Kenroku-en ?
There is a Japanese proverb ” Hayaoki-wa-sanmon-no-toku (早起きは三文の得)” which means if you wake up eary you get 3 dollers …that is similer to “The early bird catches the worm” Some local Kanazawa citizens wake up eary and enjoy walking or jogging in the morening at Kenrokuen as the admission would be FREE.
There are a different seasonal opening hours so check this time table and save about 3 dollars and enjoy the less crowded Kenroku-en with fresh air.
Seasonal early morning Free opening hour
- During March 5:00~
- Between April and August 4:00~
- Between September and October 5:00~
- Between November and February 6:00~
*You must leave the garden 15 minutes before they open the regular opening hour of the month.
Opening hour is different from the season
- Between the 1st of March and the 15th of October 7:00~18:00
- Between the 16th October and the end of February 8:00~17:00
It is hard to say the best time to come Kanazawa in year as each season has a stunning feature in Kenroku-en Garden. So please enjoy FREE HOUR at Kenroku-en and leave comment if you have any questions about my home town.